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The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

-Mahatma Ghandi

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Please call 330-364-7190 to use our owner surrender/re-homing services

10 eight week old puppies are ALL adopted!!!

Hugo needed double "cherry eye" surgery, but the young couple that adopted him vowed to see him through his surgeries no matter what!

Hugo at adoption

Hugo has had his eye surgery and is happy and healing in his new forever home!

Love you, Hugo!!!!

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631 adoptions to date

Zeus was recently adopted, marking our 542nd successful adoption!



After Buddy's owner passed away, OWC helped him find a new loving family to call his own. He was adopted 9/25/16 by a wonderful family and is doing VERY well!

(What a LOVING dog Buddy is!!)

Buddy adopted


Bandit adopted 2021

Mia came to us at 6 months old, super timid and nervous. Her owner no longer wanted her.

Today, (after being adopted 3 1/2 yrs ago by patient & caring people), Mia is a competitive Dock Diver and one of the top therapy dogs at United Community Hospital in Grove City, OH. She also participates in the childrens library program in Meadville. She has made a big difference in many lives. Way to go, Mia & family!!!!

 *OWC does not run operations from Facebook!

Please call 330-364-7190 to enroll in any services that we provide, report animals in need or inquire about adoption.

Any cats/kittens in need of immediate rescue should be directed to your local cat shelter.

Rusty has been adopted after nearly 4 yrs in our shelter:)

Parker, a 7 year old Great Dane was adopted on 4/6/19! He and his new sister Libby are doing just fine!!!

Parker with his new sister Libby!


10 year olds Sonny and Gavin have been adopted together and are doing wonderfully:)

(   Donate to OWC with everyday purchase by clicking here!!!!

Need donations of STRAW NOW always! 

2,280 straw distributions have been made to outdoor pets since Jan 2008 by OWC

2015 delivery to outdoor pets

Mr. Ped was dumped on a property (tied to a tree) in 90 degree weather when the residents were on VACATION! He was in bad shape. The home owners found him upon returning and called OWC after another local Humane Society said that if THEY picked him up, they would simply take him to the sale barn- which means "take him to slaughter". That is NOT rescue! We built him a very nice area and 4 years later he is doing GREAT at 32 years old. He has been showered with love and attention ever since we received his loving soul.

We lost Mr. Ped to a heart attack on December 23rd 2016. We adored him and will always be thankful that we could give him peace and love in his final 4 years of life. God Bless him!

All tax deductible donations go directly to the care of sheltered & rescued animals. Donations fund our rescue efforts. There are NO paid employees. Aside from veterinarians, all care givers who work with OWC animals are strictly volunteers. 

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